10 Most Common JavaScript Math Operations

Tanuka Das
3 min readOct 25, 2020

The Math object in JavaScript provides multiple useful methods to perform mathematical operations. Going through some of the Math objects you might think, how it differs from the Number methods. Well, the Math object allows us to work with more advanced calculations, such as finding absolute value, rounded numbers, random numbers, pi, maximum, and minimum integers, etc.

By John Moses Bauan

Use of Math Objects

  1. Math.abs()

The Math.abs(x) method returns the absolute value of the given element xor an operation.

let x = -12Math.abs(x)              //Output: 12let x = 2 - 4Math.abs(x)              //Output: 2

2. Math.random()

The Math.random() method is used to generate a random number between 0 to 1.

Math.random()              //Output: 0.2128405351277376

3. Math.round()

The Math.round() method returns the rounded value of the given decimal number.

Math.round(7.7)            //Output: 8Math.round(7.4)            //Output: 7

4. Math.ceil()

The Math.ceil(x) method is used to rounds up the given number to the next highest integer.

//example 1
Math.ceil(9.8) //Output: 10
//example 2
Math.ceil(9.4) //Output: 10

In the 2nd example even though the given decimal value 9.4 is less than .5, using Math.ceil() we can force it to round upward and return 10.

5. Math.floor()

Oppose to the Math.ceil() method Math.floor() is used to round down the given number to the next lowest integer.

Math.floor(9.5)          //Output: 9

The given number 9.5 , has decimal digit greater than 0.5 yet the method returns 9, rounded downward.

6. Math.max()

The Math.max() method is used to find the highest number from a group of numbers such as an array.

var arr = [2, 4, 77, 120, 0]Math.max(arr)                     //Output: 120

7. Math.min()

The Math.min() method is used to find the lowest number from a group of numbers such as an array.

var arr = [2, 4, 77, 120, 0]Math.max(arr)                     //Output: 0

8. Math.pow()

The Math.pow(x, y) method is the same as the mathematical expression x^y, returns the exponential value of the base number. It takes in two parameters, x is the base and y is the exponent, number of time the base value x will be multiplied by x.

let power = Math.pow(2, 4)        //Output: 16
console.log(power) // 2^4 = 16

9. Math.sqrt()

The Math.sqrt() method is the same as the mathematical expression √x; returns the square root of the number passed in as a parameter.

Math.sqrt(16)                    // Output: 4

10. Math.PI

The Math.PI mathod returns the value of pi. Here, PI is a property inside the Math object, which already is a fixed number.

Math.PI                  //Output: 3.141592653589793



Tanuka Das

Software Developer, technical writer, bookworm, constant learner.